You wanted entrance tickets to visit Machu picchu but there all the spaces are sold out:
Remaining spaces that we indicate on this site
are not for our Agency but for the Machu picchu in general. So, it is useless to ask another Agency if there are no
spaces left for the day you wanted.
In case of cancellation, the Peruvian Government
doesn't release those spaces and there is no waiting list. So, it is useless to hope to get spaces cancelled by other
All these measures taken by the Peruvian Government have a purpose: avoid a black market for selling tickets to the highest
bidder. Any attempt to divert this system is not only
impossible but
completely illegal.
To sum up, if there are no spaces left for a given day, it is absolutely impossible to obtain one.
Actually, there is no spaces until February 09
included (see availability). We recommend to buy your
ticketsminimum 5 days in advance.